About me

This part of my blog will be expanding in the next few days. If you are reading this, know that I have a brain injury and am working to get this filled in as much as I can, as quickly as I can.

March 5, 2012 I was in a rear-end car accident on the interstate. The guy who ran into me, bypassed my bumper and put the hood of his car under the trunk of my car. I took the whole impact inside of the car. I have no idea how long I was knocked out, probably not very long, but I knew I was hurt. I could not hold a pen well to write my information, I could not stand up well without hanging onto the car – I was so disoriented. I do remember the nice firemen taking me out of my car to the ambulance but all I remember about the ride to the hospital was the ambulance person taking my blood pressure and then quickly covering me with a blanket – I figure that I must have been going into shock. Then I was in the emergency room and had to pee. And for the next couple of weeks, all I remember is little snapshots of things. I know my friends took me to the doctor and stuff. I really do not remember much at all.

This incident is just another opportunity for me to reinvent myself.

I have worked through that process so many times in my life, I feel that I have some advice and help for those who are working through that themselves and maybe even give someone the courage to reinvent themselves without having to go through a car accident or other life altering change!

Keep posted for updates – thank you!